Film Review - US Guerilla Film Makers Handbook

The Guerilla Film Makers Hollywood Handbook*****
By Genevieve Jolliffe, Chris Jones Continuum, £30 p/b

WITH ITS mantra of 'Get a camera, get some stock, go shoot a movie,' this all-encompassing manual offers a series of down to earth pointers on how to make a movie and, more importantly, get it shown. Written by the makers of Urban Ghost Story, who have experienced all the pitfalls first hand, the book features interviews with over 150 industry insiders, each of whom proffers advice on their chosen field, among them John O'Brien (on the spec script market), Eric Alan Edwards (on cinematography) and Bob Berney (on marketing). In fact no stone has been left un-turned in this astonishingly thorough course, which poses every question imaginable, then answers them in as much depth as possible. Even if you don't intend making a movie, this is a fascinating read - and if you do, you couldn't ask for a better primer.

The Guerilla Film Makers (USA Handbook)

'Your book is the greatest resource, filmmaking tool to come along in the last decade! Hell, I would put it up there with any of the technological advances in the industry, yes, it's that good…'
Chris Gore of


The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook US Edition has become THE DEFINITIVE handbook used and referred to by both emerging filmmakers and experienced filmmakers in America. It’s format is simple Q and A - the authors ask an expert in every field of film making process, from conception through to completion (and beyond), the ten questions any bright new film maker would ask if they had half an hour to chat over a coffee.

And as the authors are three times feature filmmakers and veterans of the business, their questions are incisive, illuminating and to the point. There’s no film historian or lecture style discussion that could be irrelevant or distracting, just what a new filmmaker needs to know, how to do it, how long it will take, how much it will cost, the variables, and what pitfalls they should avoid.

Augmenting the experts are the filmmakers case studies, where filmmakers explain just how they got their films made, what really happened (opposed to what the press said), and what they learned from their

The book contains over 150 expert interviews with, runs for 720 pages and is near a million words of vital information. It’s lavishly illustrated from start to end, with diagrams, flow charts and photos. Industry expert interviews are contrasted by The Guerilla Film Makers Box Out Hot Tips, where the authors distil what it all means to the new film maker, and add their own money and time saving techniques. And of course HD and digital film making is now covered.

The authors also tell their story of how they made three low-budget feature films, worked with Oscar-nominated actors and Harrison Ford’s brother, received a royal audience at the Palace, became a target for Turkish terrorists and ended up in a police cell - yet lived to tell the tale!

The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook pulls no punches and is THE definitive guide - buy it and save yourself thousands of pounds.

Chris Jones and Genevieve Jolliffe have written, produced and distributed award-winning low-budget feature films in the UK for the last fifteen years and their experience in this field is unparalleled.

So do you want to read some of the book for free? Click on the Downloads to the right here and print it out.

ISBN 0826414648 RRP $29.99